
More under Eurasia


Showing 1 to 6 of 6 tours.

Snow Leopard Trails
Snow Leopard Trails Map

Snow Leopard Trails

Snow Leopards are one of the rarest species that exist on our planet. They inhabit the Himalayan landscape , winters is the best time to spot these leopards as the descend in search of prey.

Spiti Motorcycling Basics
Spiti Motorcycling Basics Map

Spiti Motorcycling Basics

Spiti Valley separates India and Tibet and is home to the least visited regions of the country. Join Ecohunters on this all inclusive 8 day trail as we ride through the remotest and highest valleys

Hidden Meghalaya
Hidden Meghalaya Map

Hidden Meghalaya

Loose track of time on this 7 days adventure to North East. Discover hidden trails, longest cave systems in the world and the indomitable spirit of the locals to make this trail possible.

Dharansi Pass Trek
Dharansi Pass Trek Map

Dharansi Pass Trek

A trek to the inner sanctum of Nanda Devi -Touch an altitude of 14,000 ft , live in himalayan villages, trek through fairytale forests ,be amazed!

Tribes, Falcons and Villages-The Nagaland Photo tour
Tribes, Falcons and Villages-The Nagaland Photo tour Map

Tribes, Falcons and Villages-The Nagaland Photo tour

Embark on this surreal photo tour of Nagaland .Explore a different culture, get lost in the rich bounty of nature this landscape has to offer. Witness the migration of the Amur Falcons to Africa !

Nature and You
Nature and You Map

Nature and You

This is a handmade leisure, wellness getaway in the verdant Nilgiris. A short getaway for Self Discovery, Rejuvenation ,Personal Space. Fill your days with abandon, adventures , blissful seclusion